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What is a Hybrid Fund & How Does it Work?

Category : Investing Guides August 13, 20245 minutes read

What are hybrid funds? A hybrid fund is a way to diversify your investment by combining the potential for growth from stocks with the stability of bonds. Some hybrid funds tilt more towards stocks, while others lean more towards bonds. The allocation can be flexible or fixed, depending on the fund’s strategy. It’s an attractive choice for investors who want a middle-ground approach, seeking moderate risk and returns. In summary, a hybrid fund offers a balanced investment approach, appealing to those seeking diversification, moderate risk, and simplified portfolio management.


Hybrid funds may be a suitable choice for many people. These funds mix two types of investments: stocks and bonds. But what is a hybrid fund, and how can they help you grow your money?

In this article, we’ll explore the meaning of hybrid fund, its types, and how to choose the best hybrid fund. Whether you’re new to investing or looking to improve your investment strategy, this article is here to help.


Meaning & Types of Hybrid Funds

Before delving into hybrid funds, it’s essential to grasp that mutual funds come in various types, each designed to suit different investment goals and risk tolerances. The different types of mutual fund categories include equity funds (focused on stocks), debt funds (emphasizing fixed-income securities), money market funds (investing in low-risk short-term instruments), and hybrid funds.

As the name implies, it is a type of mutual fund that blends both equity (stocks) and debt (bonds) investments within a single fund. This blend aims to offer investors a diversified strategy. It provides potential for capital growth through stocks and stability with regular income from bonds.

Types of Hybrid Funds

Now, let’s explore the distinct types of hybrid funds available to investors:

Balanced Funds

When people inquire about what is a hybrid fund, balanced hybrid funds are often the answer. These funds maintain a relatively equal balance between equities and fixed-income securities, typically around 40% and 60% each. They cater to investors seeking a moderate level of risk and a balanced approach to both growth and income.

Aggressive Hybrid Funds

What is the meaning of aggressive hybrid funds? Aggressive hybrid funds, also known as equity-oriented hybrid funds allocate a larger portion (usually 65-80%) to equities. This makes them suitable for investors with a higher risk tolerance. These funds aim for capital appreciation while still providing some income through debt investments (between 20% to 35%).

Conservative Hybrid Funds

Conversely, conservative hybrid funds or debt-oriented hybrid funds allocate most of their assets to fixed-income securities (usually between 75% to 90%) and a smaller portion to equities (between 10% to 25%). These are designed for investors seeking potential income generation with minimal exposure to market volatility.

Invest in a balanced, aggressive, or conservative hybrid fund suited to your investment strategy and risk tolerance. Explore Bandhan Mutual Fund!

Arbitrage Funds

Among the various hybrid fund options, arbitrage funds employ a unique strategy. These funds simultaneously buy and sell securities to earn potential profit from price differentials in different markets or segments. The goal of arbitrage funds is to generate potential returns with lower risk, and they are often used for short-term gains and tax efficiency.

Multi-Asset Allocation Funds

Multi-asset allocation funds take diversification to the next level by investing across various asset classes, including equities, debt, and sometimes other assets like gold. These funds provide a broad mix of assets to optimise potential returns while effectively managing risk.

To select the best hybrid mutual fund for themselves, investors should carefully consider their financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon within these different asset classes and hybrid fund categories.

Benefits of Hybrid Funds

We understand what hybrid funds are now, let’s uncover the pros and cons of hybrid funds.

Risk Management

One of the significant benefits of hybrid funds is risk management. By blending different assets like stocks and bonds, these funds aim to reduce overall risk. When stocks are down, bonds can provide stability, and when stocks are up, they can offer growth potential. This balance helps in smoothing out investment bumps.

Portfolio Diversification

Diversification is like having a safety net for your investments. Hybrid funds diversify your money across various assets and sectors, reducing the impact of poor-performing assets on your overall portfolio. It’s like not putting all your eggs in one basket.

Multiple Asset Classes

Hybrid funds allow you to invest in different asset classes like stocks, bonds, and sometimes more. This diversification across multiple asset classes can potentially lead to better returns and risk management.

Diversify your investment portfolio and gain the potential benefits of investing in stocks, bonds, and other securities. Start a SIP in hybrid funds now!

Catering to Various Risk Profiles

Whether you are a conservative investor looking for stability or an aggressive investor aiming for growth, hybrid funds cater to various risk profiles. There are options to match your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Key Takeaways:

Hybrid funds offer several advantages, including risk management and diversification. They may allow investors to access to multiple asset classes and potential growth opportunities while catering to various risk profiles.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Funds

Let’s explore the potential drawbacks of hybrid funds.


While hybrid funds aim to balance risk, they can’t eliminate it entirely. The value of your investment can still go up or down, especially if the stock market experiences volatility.


The tax on hybrid funds, can be complex. Depending on factors like the holding period, your gains may be subject to different tax rates. For example, long term capital gains on mutual funds can be taxed at a different rate than short-term gains.

Expense Ratio

Like all mutual funds, hybrid funds charge fees, often referred to as the expense ratio. These fees can eat into your returns over time, so it’s essential to consider the cost when investing in hybrid funds.


Hybrid funds may not always provide the highest returns compared to funds that focus solely on stocks or bonds. The balanced approach means you might not benefit fully when one asset class is performing exceptionally well.

Explore Bandhan Mutual Fund and find an investment option that can help you meet your goals.

Interest Rate Risk

Hybrid funds with a significant allocation to bonds can be sensitive to changes in interest rates. If interest rates rise, bond prices may fall, affecting the fund’s performance.

Key Takeaways:

Hybrid funds may have certain disadvantages, such as inherent risks, tax considerations, expense ratios, potentially lower returns, and sensitivity to interest rate changes. When investing in hybrid funds, it’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons of mutual funds and align your investment choice with your financial objectives and risk tolerance.

Key Considerations Before Investing in Hybrid Funds

We understand what hybrid funds are, let’s now explore some crucial points to keep in mind before we invest in hybrid funds:

Risk vs. Return

Investing in hybrid funds involves a trade-off between hybrid fund risk and hybrid fund returns. These funds aim to strike a balance between potential gains and stability, but your risk tolerance and return expectations play a significant role. If you’re comfortable with higher risk for potentially better returns, equity-oriented hybrid funds may be suitable. Conversely, if you prioritise safety and steady income, consider debt hybrid funds or conservative hybrid funds.

Choosing the Correct Fund

Hybrid funds come in various types, each with its unique investment strategy. Selecting the right fund involves understanding its objectives, asset allocation, and historical performance. Evaluate the fund’s past returns and assess how well they align with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Focus on long-term consistency rather than short-term spikes in performance.

Tax Considerations

Understanding the taxability of mutual funds especially of hybrid fund investments is crucial for effective financial planning. Be aware of the taxability of mutual funds, particularly concerning long term capital gains on mutual funds. Depending on your investment horizon, you may benefit from more favorable tax treatment. 

Investment Horizon

Your investment horizon is the duration you intend to hold your investments. It significantly influences your choice of hybrid fund. If you have a longer-term goal, such as retirement, you might be more inclined to invest in hybrid equity funds, which offer the potential for higher growth over time. Conversely, if your investment horizon is shorter, debt hybrid funds can provide potential stability and income.

Accomplish your long-term goals by investing in hybrid equity fund. Invest with Bandhan Mutual Fund now!


Hybrid funds inherently provide diversification by blending different asset classes within a single portfolio. Nevertheless, it’s essential to assess how effectively your chosen fund is diversified across stocks and bonds. Diversification helps spread risk and can enhance your overall investment strategy, reducing the impact of poor-performing assets.

Expense Ratio

Pay attention to the expense ratio of the hybrid fund you’re considering. This ratio represents the annual fees and expenses charged by the fund. Lower expense ratios can have a positive impact on your overall returns over time. Therefore, it’s advisable to select funds with reasonable expenses to maximize your investment’s potential.

Past Performance

Past performance is not a guaranteed indicator of future results, but it can provide insights into a fund’s historical behaviour. Examine the consistency of a fund’s returns and its performance during different market conditions. Opt for funds that have demonstrated resilience and effectiveness in various economic scenarios.

Key Takeaways:

Before investing in hybrid funds investors must consider some critical factors.

  • Risk vs. Return: Hybrid funds balance potential gains and stability. Aggressive hybrid funds may be a high-risk-return investment, where as conservative hybrid funds may be low risk-return. 
  • Choosing the Correct Fund: Match the fund’s objectives, asset allocation, and past performance with your financial goals and risk tolerance. 
  • Tax Considerations: Understand the tax implications, especially long-term capital gains, for effective planning.
  • Investment Horizon: Longer-term goals may favor equity hybrid funds, while shorter-term goals may benefit from debt hybrid funds.
  • Diversification: Hybrid funds diversify across asset classes. Ensure effective diversification to spread risk.
  • Expense Ratio: Lower expense ratios can boost returns. Select funds with reasonable expenses.
  • Past Performance: Past performance offers insights into consistency and resilience. Choose funds with strong historical behavior.


  • What is a hybrid fund? It’s a versatile investment tool that combines both stocks and bonds, offering a balanced approach for investors. 
  • These funds provide a diversified strategy that caters to different financial goals and risk levels. 
  • Hybrid funds come in various types, like balanced, aggressive, and conservative ones, each fitting different preferences.
  • The pros of hybrid funds include risk management and portfolio diversification.
  • However, there are cons too, like potential risks, tax complexities, expenses, and possibly moderate returns compared to specialized funds.
  • Before investing, consider your risk tolerance, choose the right type of hybrid fund, understand tax rules, match your investment horizon, diversify wisely, check expense ratios, and look at past performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hybrid fund meaning is an investment that combines both stocks (equities) and bonds (debt) in a single portfolio. It offers investors diversification and a balance between growth potential and stability.

Investing in hybrid funds can be suitable for those seeking a balanced risk-return profile and diversification. They are especially beneficial for investors with moderate risk tolerance and a long-term investment horizon.

Yes, hybrid funds are taxable. The tax treatment depends on factors like the fund’s composition, holding period, and local tax laws. Gains from hybrid equity funds may have different tax rates than those from debt hybrid funds.

Hybrid funds vary in risk depending on their allocation between stocks and bonds. Equity hybrid funds tend to be riskier, while debt hybrid funds are more conservative. The risk level should align with your investment goals and risk tolerance.

There are many pros and cons of mutual funds. However, benefits of hybrid funds include diversification, risk management, and the potential for reasonable returns. They offer a simplified investment approach, making them suitable for investors who don’t want to manage individual stocks and bonds.

There are primarily two types of hybrid funds: equity-oriented and debt-oriented. Hybrid equity funds invest more in stocks, aiming for higher returns but with higher risk. Debt hybrid funds focus more on bonds, offering stability with lower growth potential.

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